A Place to Go

Have you ever wondered why some people are more motivated in life than others? Why everyone else seems to be running towards something when you barely have the energy to take a step forward? Well, that’s my case. My life feels like one of those time-lapse videos where one person is just sitting down while other people are running around in front of her going places. I often wonder where all these people are heading and what drives them to go to the places they’re going. How they found those places and how do I find my own place to go?

While in search of a place to go, I was made to question my principles, my values, my motives and made to face some very intriguing questions. These are the steps I took to find my place:

  1. Taking the personality test

I’ve taken the 16-Personality test numerous times but never really reflected on the results and applied the insights into my personality into my life. After reading the results, I realized the root of my problem with God and why I’m so demotivated in life. It is through understanding yourself and your problems that you are able to take the next step into solving those problems. Therefore, I highly recommend taking the test, reading the results and thoroughly contemplating them.

  1. Find out what motivates you

Up until now, you have made decisions in your life, some major and some minor. What lead you to make those decisions? Figuring this out gives you an insight into what your motives are and may help you with your next important decision. Before seeing the question worded like so, I thought that I didn’t have any motivations in life. Now I understand that my decisions weren’t baseless and random, but they’re closely tied to my values. My yearning to move forward and grow.

  1. Think back to what you enjoyed as a kid

For me, this is a golden question that allows you to easily find out what your interests are/were. Other than watching dramas and tv shows, I thought I didn’t really have any interests, but thinking back to my childhood, I realized that I used to write tons of short stories on Microsoft Word with Clipart pictures added in. I also loved woodworking and being in nature. When in doubt of what you enjoy, start with what you used to enjoy, you may even rekindle a small flame within you that you forgot you had.

  1. Go out and try new things!

As my father repeatedly reminds me:  “You ain’t never going to find a boyfriend unless you go out and meet new people.” This goes with hobbies too. You ain’t never going to figure out what you enjoy if you don’t go out and try new things. Don’t just stay at home and wonder if you’d be any good at something and go out and try it!

For those of you like me who don’t know where to start, here are some interesting ideas that I found:

  • Geocaching
  • Go to a flea market
  • Teach English online
  • Journaling
  • Self-defense classes
  • Get a Tandem buddy and learn a new language
  • Visit your local library and borrow some books
  • Re-watch old favourite movies and re-read old favourite books
  • Go fruit picking
  • Volunteer at your local conservation society or animal shelter
  • Organize a clothes swap with your friends
  • Find an interesting discounted activity on Groupon
  • Do a 30-day challenge
  • Go to a museum or an art gallery
  • Look up local events on Facebook
  • Do a book swap with your friends. Reading each other’s favourite books
  • Own a plant
  • Learn how to do “lettering”
  • Learn a new skill using Udacity, Lynda,…
  • Improve your public speaking ability
  • See if your local companies/ companies online are holding events such as Innovation Camps and attend them. It’s a good place to network as well

If you have other suggestions, comment them down in the comments section!

  1. Some other interesting questions to ask yourself
  • What subject could I read 500 books about without getting bored?
  • What could I do for five years straight without getting paid?
  • What would I spend my time doing if I had complete financial abundance to do anything?

While the question of “where should I run towards?” is still left inconclusive and unanswered, at least I have come to a deeper understanding of myself and the direction I should head towards and things I should try to find my place in life. This is the beginning, whether I’ll have the energy to run as long as I need to to I find my place, I’m not sure. But I’m sure that this desire to find passion in my life will never fully dwindle, and every now and then it’ll burn strongly.



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